Primórdios estéticos

Tenho refletido  a respeito dos tempos em que a arte que não se desloca da vida,  quando o fazer excepcional atravessa o cotidiano, e o quanto isto acompanha o homem desde os primórdios. A diferença é que agora temos nomes, conceitos, caixinhas pra isto, mas na verdade a coisa é bem mais simples.

In it's ritualized form, the precursor behavior (such as self-grooming or wing-flapping) has been subjected to various alterations that make it look as well as mean something different from its ordinary functional meaning. These manipulations, or "operations" include: 1) simplification os stereotypy, 2) repetition (usually with a 'typical intesity' - Morris [1957] a set recularity and pace), 3) exageration in time (longer or shorter, faster or slower), space (larger or smaller, higher or lower) or volume (loud, soft), 4) elaboration (striking evolved acoutrements of color or form), and 5) manipulation of expectation. These features (which usually overlap) make the signal conspicious ('special') thereby attracting atention, sustaining interest, and arousing, shaping and molding emotion (Ellen Dissanayake - Aesthetic Primitives)

Nós, 2013
nanquim s/ papel de algodão
1,70 x 2,60 m


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